Hi for all the food lovers,
I owe the Saturday and Sunday blog, I am sorry... haha...
Well, let me introduce you the another food restaurant inside Jaya 33 building.
If you are somewhere that area and really can't think of anything to eat (*that exactly how I feel before I bump into this restaurant*). I was walking around and somehow this caught my attention

The Black board with all the food names on it.......
So, I decided to ordered a MeeHoon Goreng (Fried MeeHoon) in Thai Style with a Rendang Chicken ( Trust me, you wanted to try this ) and a scoop of Achar ( I know you know what is this )

Well, they also sell a variety of food, not only Chinese, Indian and Malay's food but also western...

The shop name should be sound more like Pichardy Shepherd's Canteen than 'Pie'

Rating: 5/10 * I give 5 because they need more FOCUS *
+ comments + 2 comments
my office is at Jaya33. i tried their chicken rice before. not very impressive. i will not go there anymore as the chicken wasn't cooked and it was full of blood inside.
i realized it after i ordered to take away the food.
i did not try their pie yet. i will try the pie if i have nothing to eat then...
[Ivy] Thanks for dropping by...really appreciate for your great comments... We hope the shop will improve more on their food quality...