Restoran Sun Fung Bak Kut Teh
69, Ground Floor, Jalan Radin Bagus,
Zone J5, Bandar Baru Sri Petaling,
57000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 013-232 3239 (Fion) / 017-280 4409 (Tommy)
Lunch hunting again with my colleagues in Sri Petaling jump into a new Bak Kut Teh shop that newly open beside Tou Tou Little Kitchen. We just hope to have a porky lunch where we are hungry and satisy our cravings. Slightly sinful for lunch but will guess is ok with some exercise end of the day.
According to Fion, the restaurant is the first branch of well established Sun Fong Bak Kut Teh in Medan Imbi (near Soo Kee Sang Har Mee). Sun Fong (Imbi) had been in business since late 1960's. Their concept of bak kut teh are rather mild and robust herbal aroma which famous to many tourist.
The shop is strategically located with simple design. You can check out its variety of bak kut teh on the walls of the shop. The range of dishes are as follows:
- Bak kut teh (Original/Special/Vege/No Vege)
- Special pepper soup (Pig Stomach with pepper soup)
- Pig's kidney/Pig's liver in ginger wine soup
- Spiced pig's leg
- Additional sidelines - intestine, belly, spare ribs, pig tail, ribs, etc.

You can decide to either sit outside (open air) or inside with air conditioning but if you double park, it is advisable to sit outside where visible to you vehicle.

Original Bak Kut Teh - RM42.00
(Great) [Recommended]
- the soup are more herbal concentrated where it may not favour to all but for me it taste quite well as i prefer herbal as compare to sweet porky soup. Its charging RM14.00 per pax so order accordingly -

The special thing about the place is that the claypot is being put on a stand with fire below keeping the pot warm for most of the time when you eat it.

Pig's Triple in Pepper Soup - RM13.00
- personally not bad but it would taste better if slightly stronger pepper taste -

Spiced Pig's Leg - RM12.00
- unlike normal braised spicy pig's leg with chef's innovative formula and the pig's leg is soft and juicy inside -

Rating: 6 /10