Been in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for about six (6) months for job purposes and hereby would like to share some interesting breakfast with all of you. Apart from the well know rice noodle (commonly known as PHO in Vietnamese) which very much like local Malaysia Keow Teow but it looks more transparent and taste softer, would also introduce the popular breakfast in Vietnam.
The well known beverages for breakfast will not missed the Vietnam dripping coffee. You can get it almost everywhere along the streets, its just the matter what type of coffee beans you preferred. For hot serving will be serve in a small coffee cup with promissing strong and rich taste of coffee (its more bitter and rich taste compare to local kopi-O) while for cold serving, normally the cup will only be serve half (as seen in the pic) and let the ice to slowly melt and blend with the coffee (without extra water in the mix).
One of my favourite breakfast is the bread and egg (pic below). You hardly able to find normal Gardenia or High5 bread in Vietnam because the preferred bread serve is the Mini French Loaf Bread. Its your innovation in how you wan to have it either squeeze the egg into the bread or have it separately. Besides egg, you can also order pork ham, sardine and chicken.
Another recommended breakfast is the Vietnam rice roll which look similar to chu cheong fun but it is serve with pork ham, taugeh and sweet sour sauce. The rice roll is wrap with bbq pork and goes very well with the sauce.