1 tbsp corn oil
1 tsp sesame oil
150g dried chestnuts, soaked overnight
A piece of glass paper
A piece of aluminium foil
6g tong sum
20g yok chok
5g hairs of ginseng roots (yong sum soe)
2 slices kam choe
2 slices tong kwai
1 tbsp kei chi
3 pieces chuen koong
3 red dates
6g dried longan
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp oyster sauce
¼ tsp thick soy sauce
¼ tsp pepper
¼ tsp sugar
1 tsp chicken stock granules
½ cup water
1 tbsp cornflour mixed with 1 tbsp water
Marinate duck with 2 tablespoons light soy sauce and 1 tablespoon thick soy sauce. Pre-fry the duck and soaked chestnuts for a while. Dish out and rinse under running water (to remove the excess oil).
Heat oil and sesame oil in wok. Add the herbs and stir-fry well. Mix in duck, chestnuts and seasoning. Dish out the contents onto a piece of glass paper. Thicken the gravy with the cornflour mixture and pour over the duck. Tie up and wrap in aluminium foil into a packet. Pressure cook for 40 minutes.
Remove the package and transfer to a serving dish. Serve immediately.
Thanks to Amy Beh