97, Ground Floor,
Jalan Radin Bagus, Zone J5,
Bandar Baru Sri Petaling,
57000 Kuala Lumpur.
Roaming around to find this place which being told by Connie that the signboard has the word "Penang". After one round of searching, we failed to find this place..So we turn back and re-look again and finally, we got it and it's called Restoran Chopper Board Penang...
We walked in but is empty, I mean no customer at all. So we are kind of first group. While eating, there are some patrons but not crowded at all. This is probably the menu has limited choices of food and drinks. Taste wise, nothing great!!

Percik Chicken with Rice (RM11.90)

Black Pepper Chicken with Rice (Claypot) (RM11.90)

Prawn Mee (RM8.90)