Niu Zhe Xui located in Ara Damansara and is just 10 minutes drive from LDP via Kelana Jaya exit. (Google maps will help you a lot with direction).
There is one restaurant called Fullhouse in NZX which the design of the restaurant is more likely All in White American style.
The food in the restaurant is actually very worth the money paid and not much to complaint about.
For western food lover, you might want to consider their Chicken Chop or BBQ Fried Chicken chop,or even the spaghetti. Even most of the drinks look gorgeous, every single sip means something to you
For couples who want to hang out in a romantic restaurant, this place would be the best that I can say so far. First, nice food, Second, nice environment, last but not least, the price is reasonable.
Rating: 7/10
+ comments + 1 comments
I would like to try this one day...looks nice and romantic...who want to join me?